J O D H P U R           N A G A R           N I G A M           D A K S H I N

Account Section

Account Section

Accounts Department of Nagar Nigam Jodhpur basically works on several criterions that are being given in our constitution. Our Accounts Department has a mission as per the Mandated by the Constitution of India, we promote accountability, transparency and good governance through high quality auditing and accounting and provide independent assurance to our stakeholders, the Legislature, the Executive and the Public, that public funds are being used efficiently and for the intended purposes.

Department Members

Name Email Mobile Designation
Mr. Ashwin Suthar ceo_nnj@rediffmail.com 8619107576 Assistant Accounts Officer
Mr. Yogendra Vyas ceo_nnj@rediffmail.com 9828171707 Assistant Accounts Officer-1
Ms. Apoorva ceo_nnj@rediffmail.com 9784000520 Assistant Accounts Officer